Sunday, February 1, 2009

Entry and Exit , freakishly exausting

Well to all you people thinking about comming to egypt your into a hell of a ride , there is this old arab saying that says " going into the bathroom isnt like leaving it" , im sure this became true after they got to see egypt.

Egypt is a pretty decent place , security is good and people are very hospitable but do tend to try and robe you sometimes :p  , for some Cairo is a boring dumb place with old artifacts and nothing but skeletons wraped in cloth , well for the first semester i was here that was so true , until i discovered cairo had more than meet's the eye.

Cairo a 24\7 open pub , a place where poeple from around the world come to see what and how poeple lived thousand of years ago ,what they built and how they lived , egypt has been a center of trade and a place of envy for many civilisations , i bet they would be realy jelouse if they got to see how egypt looks like now.

egypt is a maze for many as once you g in its hard to get out but with the knoledge of otheres and spray painted walls showing the way , youl see the difference .

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