Monday, February 2, 2009

A Realy long day of >>>>>........Sleeping

Usually when i speak to people and they get to know I'm a med student they have this pre-made thought that we don't sleep we don't eat and we certainly don't have sex well that's true if you don't count playing with your self as sex , well I'm here to tell everyone that is so untrue!!!

Med student are really messed up people during exam bye bye London , if you get an hour to four of pure non nightmare sleep then you the king of the hill and the next husband for Britney Spears ,Stress is a killer for med students and is the first cause of phyco pre-exam behaviour being seen in the forms of me jumping ,running, screaming, shouting, talking to my self and the occasional homicidal tendency , believe me do not mess with a med student during at least 10 hours prior to the exam .

during exam we usually eat allot and drink allot of tea Coffee and 7 up or Pepsi since we all decided it has sufficient amounts of caffeine to help us kill the pain of not sleeping .

well that almost covered the exam period , but wait if your saying that's normal well during vacations and those days when we are not in the phyco exam mood we just do one thing and one thing only , Sleeeeeep , med student have the ability to sleep more than 24 hours straight with no food water or using the freakin toilet , i usually sleep on school days and vacation at least 12 hours .

once i slept for 27 hours and the big deal was that my mom caught me doing it as she called me 5 min before i slept then called again the day after at almost the same time of day , i answered and shouted at here why she woke me up after i just hung up the phone , well i think you can imagine what she said , i had slept a whole day looking at the window i thought i only slept 5 min since i woke up around the same time of day i sleep lol weird huh.

some kids slept up to 72 hours , well the trick is that once u sleep u go into shallow sleep then deep then shallow if u stay asleep after the second shallow sleep you go back into deep sleep.

another weird thing about med student but this doesn't apply to me is they love to chat maybe because there outcasts from society or because there just plain bored , they spend every minute of no sleep no study online in chat room's.

hopefully people get to know our private habbits more better , if you wanna get to know more please call your nearest med school or university and apply to be one , best of luck for all those weirdos i call colleagues.


Unknown said...

hahaha dude just works.

Omar A. Siag said...

cheat on wat u hobo , its not an exam ehehe